Thursday, 25 March 2010

Crit review...

From my crit a few things became apparent from my work:
Love Your Body:
1. Scrap the temple idea focusing around 'Your body is a temple.'
2. Focus on the 'curvalicious' poster, creating illustrative female bodies within the type and involving appropriate colour,
3. Consider where this work is going to be placed and in what context it is going to be in, it was suggested placed the poster in female changing rooms at the gym or the work could be placed on to mirrors.

Hugo Create
1. Consider type on poster
2. Get moving with creating the packaging and other promotional material that I could create for this brief to make sure it is extended to its full potential.

Bikini Kill:
1. Create other promotional material such as letter heads, business cards etc.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Business cards ...

I am wanting to re design my business cards and get some printed so I can start distributing them out to people... this website below is quite good pricing for good quality paper stock also.

Double sided is not a lot more price wise and really double sided is what I am after to display contact details and emails etc.

Live briefs...

I think it is going to be really beneficial for me working on live briefs for this lady called Lauren Moss who runs an events management company in leeds. I think it is good to be working with a client and get experience in excepting what other people like and their views and opinions, it is alos a good opportunity to get my work out there!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Sweet Bags...

I ordered these pink and white sweet bags to use as an envelope to send work to designers and agencies in which I would like to be in contact with.

Billington Cartmell

After sending my pdf of examples of my work to the art director I have managed to get a weeks placement at Billington Cartmell commencing on the 19th of April, I'm actually really excited to get down there and get stuck in and involved in the work that they do.
These are the samples that I gave:

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Paper Scissor Stone Placement...

I decided to send some of my work to Paper Scissor Stone to maybe have a placement working there 5 hrs a week, although not successful I'm still glad I did it, I am going to email them and maybe ask for some feedback about the pdf of samples of work that I sent them. I packaged my CD in this unusual folded package so that it was more original and would maybe stand out over the rest!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Honey type...

Continuing from the ABC Dimensional brief that I have been working on I decided to experiment with creating my logo out of honey and I think it works really effectively seeing as my little slogan is 'taste a fresh graphic designer', I could also maybe try it with chocolate sauce.

Self Promotion...

I decided to make a pdf of of 6 examples of my work to send to Paper Scissors Stone for the chance to get a placement there...i think this would be great opportunity for me and i really want it. I am happy with the work that I sent and i viewed the work that they did and tried to pick appropriate work of mine to show them! Below is the net of which I packaged the cd that i sent to them...i also printed it on a coloured paper stock which added depth to the design...
Original drawings that I created to take in to illustrator to experiement with colours.

Above is very close to my final resolution, i am still un decided whether or not i would like it to have a green or brown background, at this point i think they are both equally as effective.
I decided to work back into my type and add white high lighting to the letters to make them stand out a little more on the page and add an amount of depth.

These two layouts above were my initial ideas, this is for the back of the 'taste a fresh creative designer' design. the back will provide info about me, my name, number, email and blog address and i have also left a space for a lolly to be placed and glued .
Above, this is also a good layout for the back although my logo looks slightly clumsy being so big, the size needs to be adjusted or the transparency needs to be taken down slightly.
I like this layout above and think i may go ahead with this one, it is clear, delicate and looks professional...there is a lot of blank space but i think this works well and compliments the information.

Above i tried adding a glow to the background to make it more inviting and less two dimensional///i'm not sure whether this is that effective though i think it is too girly and doesn't look tasty enough.

Above using a shade of brown for the background colour really gives a chocolate, sweet and tasty feel to the design. So far i am wanting to go for this one but i am going to keep experimenting with different colours and effects to make sure i am communicating the right message!
I quite like this mint colour used for the background, i love using pastel colours together and this mint colour works really well with the type and other colours used, it also emphasis's the other variety of ice cream! i think the mint colour associates with the mint icecream and adds to the sweetness of the design.
The pastel pink background i think works to a certain extent and looks far better than having a heavy black colour, although I dont want the type to get lost...
Trying lighter less vibrant colours for the background to keep attention on type and message!
Using bright yellow adds some kind of excitement to the type but i still think that it could be slightly too much and makes the design look slightly 'tacky'.
Same colour palette but this time adding a background, the black definitely makes the image stand out, although I think the black takes away the 'tasty' factor that I am trying to convey.
Experimenting with appropriate colours, this one in particular focusing on the colours of the neopolitian icecream.
Original hand drawn resolution that is based on illustration and typography combined. I want to make the drawing look 'tasty' and almost good enough to eat to really excite people and get people thinking about the work that I can produce.
This design will take the basic formation of what i will mail out to potential clients or work places of interest.
This design coould be used as say a poster, postcard, leaflet, badge, book etc. I want to make sure that it is unique and innovative though so i need to push the boundaries and do something different.