Thursday, 10 June 2010

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Logo idea...

I thought about maybe having my logo made out of jam instead of block colour, to be honest the end result isn't as good as I thought it was going to be but it was worth trying.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Behance network...

I have developed my Behance profile quite a lot recently, I have had quite a few profile views so it has been a good way to get my work out there and noticed. I post my behance network onto my facebook page also to promote it that way.

Card companies...

I have decided to contact a number of different companies to see if they would be interested in purchasing some of my Finger Foods cards. Ranging from Topshop and Urban Outfitters to big mass production greetings card companies such as Hallmark so individual small boutique shops.
0845 094 5094
+44 (0)845 330 1288
Leeds store:
07901 918754

New layout for portfolio...

I am going to send a few of these portfolio samples to these Manchester based design agencies to see if I can get some work experience over summer.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Self promotion

Below: This is a self promotional booklet that I will mail out to design agencies in manchester that I have been looking at, it is short and sweet and gives a little taster of what I do and my specialist areas. I have also added my new logo to this publication.

Below: I have placed my logo design onto a letterhead that could be my own personal way of communicating with future clients, design agencies etc.

This is my new logo that I am going to have, it has taken me a while to come to a decision and just pick a design but I am really pleased with this and now I need to get on with ordering business cards and placing logo on website, blogs etc.

Thursday, 20 May 2010


I have now bought my domain and my website is, this is the start of my website, examples of layout and work that i have started to put onto my website.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

End of Year Show proposals...

This is the proposal/mockup of what I tend to go ahead with for my end of year show, I am pleased with a lot of the work that I have created over 3rd year so it was hard for me to pin point a certain brief that I have done that will really show me off as the designer that I am and really give people an insight into the sort of work that I do and what I specialise in. I want my boards to really catch peoples attention so I thought I would use my ABC Dimensional posters that have a strong focus on experimental/creative type.
It was mentioned in the crit that I should also definitely have my portfolio there so that people can see all the other stuff that I do and that it is not just all about food experimentation!!!

More development of logo...

I have established the position of type within circle for my logo now, now all I have to consider is the colour that I am going to use. I think the greyscale variations are going to work alot better and will be more versatile.

Above: different layouts that I could go with, I am like the 1st and 3rd logos at the moment.
I have gone back and looked in to my logo again....I still thought there was something i wasn't happy about, it only needs refining ever so slightly so I have adjusted it to make the type less obvious and I wanted to put more emphasis on the 'k'.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

This is a quick little experiment that I created in illustrator using my logo within the context of other objects.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Final Business Card

This is the final layout and design for my new business card that I will be giving out to poeple from now on.

More logo development...

Below: After design my new logo I have updated my portfolio and changed the layout of information adding my new logo into this. I am really pleased with this, it just makes my portfolio more personal and individual to me now.

Placing logo onto business card, I thought that with my logo i would maybe have to add some information to the bottom of the card for instance 'fresh design' or 'hkfreshdesign' just so that it is emphasising my identity and website.
Below: Two different experiments, playing around with logo eliminating elements to see if it is still legible and maybe if it would then look more unique to me. I am pleased with the first experiement but I still think I am going to keep my original design and keep it simple.

Below: Different compositions and variations of how i could have my business card, I quite like the involvement of adding another circle to the logo.

Below: Experimenting with identity and logo design. Changing kerning, leading and transparency of the type.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Type Experiment..

I decided to have a little play around with type to maybe come to a decision for what to put on to my business card!
This isn't a final outcome but it is an interesting start.I want my business card to communicate that I am a typographer and illustrator and I want the front of my business card to portray this.